Monday, June 21, 2010

Obama Does Not Know (or Care?) How To Save The Gulf

The President should be kicking his own butt.  He has neglected the people of the U.S.Gulf coast and has failed to solve a problem oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico.

What Obama has done is surround himself with his academic cronies who have never had to actually make something happen in a specified time frame.

Senator John Kerry has been talking to BP about his cap and trade bill during the spill.  Rahm Emanuel has a lengthy history of befriending folks at BP.  I do not see their actions as particularly helpful to fixing the Gulf leak.

The first line of action should have been to assemble individuals and representatives of companies providing services in the Gulf similar to those provided by BP, Transocean, and Halliberton.  Contrary to what the President and bloggers believe, BP is NOT the only company with the experience to do deep water exploration and drilling.

The second action would be to have this group of experienced representatives and individuals hash out the various methods of controlling and stopping the oil spill.

The third would be to examine the feasibility of all possible methods and selecting those methods agreed to be the best attempts to solve the problem.

Within days there should have been an attempt to start stopping the flow.

At the same time, methods for managing the surface flow and pollution would be considered and put into operation as needed.

Research into the effects of the dispersant should have begun immediately.
Companies providing services similar to BP, Transocean, and Halliburton can be found at:

Obama has not enlisted the assistance of properly skilled people and companies to address the Gulf Spill catastrophe.

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