Friday, May 7, 2010

Off Shore Drilling

Please choose your candidate wisely! The oil spill in the Gulf is not a Dem or GOP issue!!! All of our legislators are to blame. Did you know that the states used to have control of their ocean boundaries? The courts decided that the Feds should control the coast leaving the first 3 miles or so off shore to the control of the states. The only problem is that the Fed does not know what it is doing let alone assume responsibility for the environment. The offshore drilling companies furnish about 70 different forms for the Feds approval through various departments and EPA. The Feds state of the art spill containment and fighting methods have never been updated from the 1960's. The only legislative concern is that this spill will mess up the Feds money supply from drilling leases and royalties. The Fed has no concern about the effects on the Gulf states. This is obvious as the Fed has no method to control spills. Like everything else the Fed does, it can be fixed after we have a problem.

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