Thursday, April 29, 2010

Congress in Action-Shame on Wall Street and Shame on Congress

If only we could get the Senate to answer our questions like they want the bank executives to answer their questions. I WANT TO KNOW WHICH ELECTED LEGISLATORS HAVE ECONOMIC OR POLITICAL TIES TO ANY OF THE WALL STREET "TO BIG TO FAIL" COMPANIES. Apparently, the Senators believe that the stupid constituents can be baffled by their bull. These guys and girls in D.C. have no desire to listen to us, their consituents, their desires require them to plow full speed ahead on their course to bankrupt and socialize the U.S. It appears that these Senators expect us to believe the dribble that passes over their lips, unaware that their constituents are problably more intellegent and harder working than any them, should be believed in spite of previous statements or positions held by these Senators. DO AS I SAY YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU NEED WE WILL TELL YOU WHAT YOU NEED YOU LIVE IN MIDDLE AMERICA AND ARE: A BAD EVIL PART OF AMERICA THAT LIBERALS WANT TO DISSAPEAR A RACIST A NAZI A BILBE THUMPER A CRAZED GUN OWNER BAD EVIL EVIL CHRISTIANS BAD CHRISTIANS UNDESERVING OF PROTECTIONS AFFORDED BY CONSTITUTION What our legislators do not understand is that we the people do understand that our legislators have overstepped their legislative mandate for years and years; what our government does not understand is that we the people do understand that secession is a right afforded when we the people gave government the right to exist. What the supreme court does not understand is that we the people do understand that the court's overreaching decisions have a large responsiblility for the state of the nation's current problems.

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