Thursday, May 13, 2010

Holder hasn't read Ariz. law he criticized

Holder hasn't read Ariz. law he criticized

By Stephen Dinan

  • Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., who has been critical of Arizona's new immigration law, said Thursday he hasn't yet read the law and is going by what he's read in newspapers or seen on television.
It should scare us all that a group of liberal progressive Chicago mobsters would destroy our domestic tranquility in order to further their scourge on D.C., the United States, and the "global community." I doubt if Obama has read the Arizona law.  This lack of honesty is why Middle America is angry with all politicians.  As a group, the politicians lack the back bone to do the right thing. As a group, Middle America has been absent in the political process, but this is changing.

In an effort to understand what the constitution gives us, we will start a systematic review of our greatest text-The U.S. Constitution.

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