Friday, July 9, 2010

The End of the Gulf as a Food Source

As the oil spill spreads across the Florida panhandle, it is also flowing south toward the Florida Keys. Why does the oil continue to flow? No particular technical reason. After all, if we can place a cap over the oil flow and keep in in place with vents, we can also attach the cap to the pipe and close the vents. All that is needed is to provide attachment of the cap to the pipe with sufficient strength to resist the flow pressure. Not a large step from placing a cap over the flow to closing off the flow.

Now we are told that the oil spill has reached the Galveston, Texas area. Wow! The spill continues as talks starts on the possibility of oil reaching the east coast of Florida.

I find the administrations lack of control or of any attempt to control the oil spill situation a vicious attack on the future economy of the Gulf region of the United States. The damage that will follow, whatever the duration of the oil spill, will leave the Gulf region decimated for decades. Just as Detroit does not have many auto jobs, the Gulf region will lose its seafood and its industry based on seafood. The product will be tainted for years to come.

Unfortunately, Obama does not seem to care, one way or the other.

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