Saturday, March 27, 2010

New Information on the cost of the Healthcare Bill

Wow! Companies are beginning to show us what is lacking in the healthcare bill. Note that the current retiree prescription benefit will be dumped by employers because the new HC bill removes the tax-break incentive for the companies to provide low cost benefits for their retirees. Retirees forced onto the government program will pay more for less service. Medicare part D prescription coverage costs about $80 per month. If you are retired, you might want to contact your employer retirement services if you have a prescription benefit.


Anonymous said...

Our legislators were well aware of the adverse changes they created in the healthcare bill. The supporters of the healthcare bill apparently find no compelling reason that they should give some advance warning as to the ramifications of their bill to the people of these United States.

Anonymous said...

YOU need to look at those who present themselves for public office in a new light.

YOU need to do your own homework since the media outlets are no longer capable of presenting more than one side to any issue.

YOU need to find answers to your questions so you can tell your legislators what you expect from them.

It is no longer acceptable for our legislators to tell us what we need. The need to provide what we require.

My Zimbio